Twin Cities urban exploration Return to Ford Motors

Part 4

Interlude: Waste Water Treatment Plant
 August 2007
 Max Action & Mandelbrot

After the last two trips, with their security guards and alarms, Mandelbrot was spooked. And yeah, I was kinda nervous too.

But I got her to agree to come back with me to check out the Water Treatment Plant, which we'd peeked into during our first trip, but not yet explored. Ford built the Waste Water Treatment plant in 1984, after it was determined that the water discharged from the Assembly Plant was "too raw" for the St Paul Sewage System.


Ford Grammatician Strikes AGAIN!

steam plant through the laboratory window


I figured it was worth checking out for maybe some kind of connection to the mine tunnels - and regardless, it would be relatively safe, neat to see, and nice to add to Action Squad's collection of 'explored Ford Motors structures'.

(After the the Steam Plant and Assembly Plant earlier in the summer, and the Mines, Power Tunnels, and Hydro Plant in 2000. Oh, plus a separate Ford power tunnel in the years between.)

So we went back and checked it out.

It was, of course, an odd building, designed and devoted entirely to a single purpose - cleaning and detoxifying water used by the plant.

There was a laboratory, with every drawer and item neatly labeled.

There were room-sized vats with giant mixers and weird silt machines that seemed like they might connect to some kind of tunnel, but with no sign of any connection to the sand mine tunnels.

We went through it all, and then scooted back home. If I'd known it was going to be over a year before I made it back again, I would probably have gone back up into the assembly plant for one more try that night ... but I didn't, so we went home.

water treatment laboratory


'activity board'

OMG no label!

laboratory workstation

in case you didn't know it was a calculator

filter press

entering batch tank #1

main area of treatment plant

a labelled place for everything

above a giant mixer in
batch tank #3

waste water weight bench - finally a personal touch

main area

sulfuric acid

how to operate a filter press

Tunnel Quest III - You Could be Mine
 Sept 2008
 Max Action, Asylunt, & Junkyard

Summer turned to fall, fall turned to winter, and before I knew it, a year had passed and we still hadn't gotten into the Ford Mines. However, I hadn't forgotten. In the hiatus, I ahd a lucky break - I got ahold of some highly-detailed maps of the tunnels beneath the plant, courtesy of the EPA, who had done a thorough evaluation of the whole Ford site seeking environmental hazards.

By taking their tunnel maps and overlaying them onto floor plan signage I'd photographed while inside the Assembly Plant, I was able to pinpoint exactly where the Transformer Room was - and I was confident that I'd be able to find it.

Now -

if we could get back into the Assembly plant,
if we could get through it to the Transformer Room undetected,
if the fan-manhole cover was still there, and
if the rusty rungs downward were still passable,

- then Action Squad would be able to finally return to the Ford Mines.

The time was right to give it a shot, so I rounded up veteran explorers Junkyard and Asylunt for the trip.

Junkyard & Asylunt humor me by posing outside of  the doorway  ...

We got into the plant without trouble, and I quickly led the group across the Assembly Floor to the Transformer room door.

Inside, the room hummed and pulsed with electricity - and back behind the racks of electrical equipment, the same old fan was blowing sweet cool tunnel air upward from below.

I pulled it up and pushed it aside, still blowing, and dropped down into the vault room below.

A warning penciled on the wall pointed over and down, labeled "60 feet" - the square shaft downward to the tunnels. The iron rungs, while incredibly rusty, seemed much more sturdy now than they had seven years ago - experience makes you a bit jaded I guess.

The rust flaked off in thick chunks and crashed down to the floor below, but the cores of the rungs were solid and did not bend or shift under my weight as we descended into the Ford Sand Mines amidst a downpour of dislodged iron oxide.


beneath the Transformer Room

60 feet of rusty rungs

Asylunt descends

Original 1924 carving
with '85 addition


power tunnel


When we'd all made it down, we started our tour of the mines - it was Junkyard and Asylunt's first time, but for me it was a nostalgic return, familiar yet exciting as I was reminded of features I'd almost forgotten - sights, smells and sounds and textures close to my heart being dusted off and revived in the vaults of memory..

I guess I could go on waxing poetic about how beautiful and kick ass the tunnels were, how great it felt to see them again, but there's no need I reckon. As Venkman once said; "We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!" And that's that.

Junkyard insisted on a victory smoke - he'd brought cigars for the occasion, so we all paused in a sand cave alcove for a puff.

Then we headed deep into the sand mines, which still managed to confuse and disorient me in spite of my many trips years before and the hastily-drawn map I'd brought along.

When we accidentally went all the way down to the caved in dead end, I spotted a toad squatting in the sand on the edge of the tunnel - she'd apparently wiggled in through some small hole, and was presumably in trouble now - there was no food, no nearby water, nothing to sustain a toad. Just a whole lot of fine sand. At first I thought she was dead, she was so immobile and unresponsive, but when Asylunt picked her up she quickly proved her vitality by peeing all over his hand. We didn't want to leave her to die in the mines, so he tucked her carefully into his breast pocket, where she hung out for the remainder of our exploration.

We crossed deep puddles on rafts of sheet foam, found a crate that had held a 50 caliber machine gun, slogged through knee-deep waters, were turned back by the severely flooded tunnels - which, unlike the rusty rungs, had not become any less daunting with seven years of exploring experience.


After we'd seen enough of the mining tunnels, we decided to see if we could get into the Hydro Dam. However, the door I remembered from seven years earlier had been replaced with a sturdy new door, which was barred from the other side.

We found the new entrance shaft, which replaced Action Squad's original entrance around the time we were all starting to feel exhausted - we'd been underground for a few hours, and it's pretty hard work trudging for miles through deep, loose sand.

So we climbed back up the rusty rungs of doom, crept through the assembly plant, popped into the the workers' cafeteria to buy a soda, and headed to the steam plant and out of there.

We were outside walking back to the car when I remembered that Asylunt still had a live toad forgotten in his pocket - he fished her out, and we watched her hop away into the woods along the riverbank.

As we passed by, I said 'bye' to the looming Ford sign.

Thank you, Ford Motors.

It's been wonderful. We love you.

See ya later.


- Max Action 1/1/09


junkyard lights asylunt's
ford mines victory cigar


dead bulbs floating


rotten mine cart tracks


big tunnel


ready for its 'Historical Item for Display Only' label

who needs sunsets when you have iron oxide water?

dry feet's last stand

postponing the inevitable

rusty rails

weighted rope says: at least 25 feet deep. We say: wtf?

my kind of decor

abandoned seismograph deep in tunnels

repurposing foam sheets as bridges

rusty rails II

it's life, Max,
but not as we know it

I wish this could be cultivated at home

passenger elevator ruins

stairway to titanicland

mystery void, through a hole in a cement wall

seriously flooded


quality construction

50 caliber gun mount crate - the Ford Plant produced armored vehicles during WWII

collapsed tunnel exit

Amphibian Rescue Squad

frames from temporary tunnel walls?

Asylunt walks the plank

flooded freight elevator - once dropped new cars from Assembly

near the freight elevators

up the freight elevator shaft toward Assembly Plant

tunnel splashin'

Junkyard peers down from the reconstructed original Action Squad mine entrance

new door prevents rerun of the Hydro Plant with a better camera

Junkyard checks out a mysterious hole

post-tunnels cafeteria break

Something to add?

Submit photos / history / stories / corrections - email us at


Exploring the Ford Sand Mines - original Action Squad trip logs from 2000

recent news on the Saint Paul Ford Plant


Ford Assembly Plant (2.2 million square feet) with the Metrodome overlaid for scale:


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